• 2024-25 ADULT Volunteer Registration

    Sep 1 – May 25

    Registration for Adult Volunteers

  • 2024-25 TEEN Volunteer Registration

    Sep 1 – May 25

    Registration for Teen Volunteers

Adult Volunteer

As always, our program would not be possible without the assistance of many adult volunteers.  All materials and training are provided. Volunteers who register to be a Catechist, Co-Catechist or Childcare will receive free tuition.  All other volunteer positions will pay $80.00 per student.  If you are interested in volunteering, please complete the Adult Volunteer registration form.  Use the discount code below when completing your child/children’s registration forms.

Discount code for Catechist, Co-Catechist or Childcare is 24Teach

Discount code for all other volunteer positions based on the number of students you are registering
1 Student - 24Volunteer

2 Students - 24Volunteer2
3 Students - 24Volunteer3
4 Students - 
5 Students - 24Volunteer5

Enrollment Fees

PSR registration is now closed.  Please contact our office at 614 882-5045 if you have any questions.

Tuition rate per student before June 3, 2024

Grades 2 and 8:  $220.00

All other Grades:  $200.00

Tuition rate per student after June 4, 2024

Grades 2 and 8:  $245.00

All other Grades:  $225.00

Family Cap of $600 (does not include Sacrament Fees for grades 2 & 8, which are an additional $20 per student) 

Program Contacts

Susan Streitenberger, Director of Religious Education
Phone: 614-882-5045
Email: sstreitenberger@stpacc.org